Dip In Detox - Wellbeing
20/09/2022 - 30/09/2022 - Monyash
No tickets available
Recommended packing list: Bring lots of warm clothes and bedding. A hot water bottle. Earplugs. Waterproofs. Tent. A mug, plate, bowl and cutlery. Toiletries. Healthy Snacks.
Recommended packing list: Bring lots of warm clothes and bedding. A hot water bottle. Earplugs. Waterproofs. Tent. A mug, plate, bowl and cutlery. Toiletries. Healthy Snacks.
If you suspect you may go in to physical withdrawal from alcohol or drugs please speak to your doctor and prepare for this. If you have a history of fitting or adverse reactions to withdrawal please ensure you have achieved 3 days of abstinence from all mind and mood altering substances before showing up. If you feel there is any risk whatsoever please bring a family member to help you and supervise you during the night.
Recommended Campspot: Lathkill Wild Campsite